5th Anniversary Magazine

A magazine to celebrate 5 years JADS

The first JADS lustrum took place in June 2022. With numerous activities, the JADS community celebrated what has been built up in a short time. It was a good moment to look back on a dynamic period in which the dream of a data science institute became reality.

JADS has grown considerably in five years and now offers a broad portfolio of activities such as research, education, entrepreneurship and impact with data science. “We do cool stuff that matters, with data”. A slogan that nicely covers what drives the people at JADS. In this magazine, you will find examples of what JADS is proud of. We look back, but more importantly, we look ahead. Think of this magazine as a (renewed) introduction to JADS, and above all as an invitation to visit the Mariënburg. You are invited to become part of the JADS community and apply data science to the many challenges that call for smart data-driven solutions.

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Group 5
Group 6
Group 7