
Grow & innovate with data science

master, post master and PhD Access to talent
the latest scientific insights High level knowledge
work with us to enhance your results Business opportunities

Create value, combine data science & entrepreneurship

Partner up with JADS like 300+ other organizations and businesses and shape your data-driven future

JADS provides innovative data science programs at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level, conducts cutting edge data science research and offers great business opportunities with a continually growing ecosystem. From startups to SMEs, NGOs and large corporates, our business partners gain access to talent, high level knowledge and business opportunities.

Three reasons to collaborate with JADS:

Access to talent

At JADS we educate entrepreneurial data scientists, who want to make an impact in your business or organization. Get connected with our students via challenging assignments or cases and meet the talent for the future.

Access to high-level knowledge

We know about data science, AI, entrepreneurship and business innovation. We can use this high level knowledge of our staff or students to empower you to accelerate or grow your business or organization.

Develop business opportunities

At JADS new data-driven business ideas are born all year round. Our students create their own start-ups and our looking for new collaborations or investors. We also welcome companies with their data & business innovation challenges in our professional education programs to transform an idea into a project.

Partnership opportunities

JADS MKB Datalab

Run a short project for your company

Pick up a specifically designed short-term data science project for your SME with a JADS MSc student. 120 SMEs already participated.

Get an answer to a complex question

Your organization can get an answer to a complex question via a MSc thesis assignment. Within a scientific framework based on independent research, a Master student will provide new insights and a valuable outcome.

Collaborate in Challenge-Based Courses

Our courses often work with challenges and data sets of companies. We offer organizations the opportunity to deliver a data-driven challenge and a matching dataset which the students will pick up as part of their education program.

Create a data driven business design

Is your company facing tough tech challenges or seeking innovative design solutions? Our EngD program connects you with skilled trainees who excel in designing and developing creative solutions tailored to your company’s needs. 

partner up with JADS

Enhance data science knowledge in your organization

Unlock the power of Data Science for your organization with our need-based education modules. Join the discovery, execute or lead tracks and learn how to create value with data for your organization.

Innovate with data science entrepreneurs

Work together with entrepreneurial data science students and pick up a corporate innovation challenge, in the form of a hackathon via the JADS playground incubator.

startups in the JADS playground

Create or support a data science start-up

The JADS Playground helps the data science and entrepreneurship students which are in search of a sustainable, repeatable and scalable business model to create their own start-up. Within the playground we work together with capital venture organizations, accelerator programs and innovative SME, corporate or public organization.

Research future scenarios and new methods

Various PhD research projects are active within JADS. A project with a PhD regularly has a duration of 4 years and is a long term commitment in valuable research. Because of our focus on 'impact in practice', we focus every year in a PhD process on the completion of a sub-question.

Career events: build your employer brand

JADS students are in demand on the job market. At our career events, we offer companies different opportunities to present themselves in different ways or to seek interaction with students. We organize the Data Science Days in collaboration with student association Pattern since 2020.

Become a part of the JADS community

Our ambition goes beyond being an academic leader in the field of data science. Our aim is to play a key role in building a new ecosystem and accelerate the data driven economy in The Netherlands.

data science partnership
Background Pattern
nature and data science

Our key application areas

At JADS, we focus our academic research on three key application areas: Crime & Safety, Social & Digital Entrepreneurship and AgriFood & Nature.

Our Data Science Research Centers enhance the relevance of academic research to business and society.

JADS Research

Recent collaborations

View all data cases

Simplifying server cabinet configurations for Minkels.

Minkels, a division of Legrand, took proactive steps to support their growth ambitions by gaining in-depth insights into the configurations of sold server cabinets.

Exploring Exsell's data to build a recommender system

Exsell partnered with JADS in the Causal Inference course, presenting a real-world dataset challenge to students, to see what they did with it. The dataset was aimed at testing students' ability to build models and derive meaningful insights from the data

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Group 5
Group 6
Group 7