Collaborate with master students in challenge-based courses

Engage students with real-world challenges

Bring real-life data challenges from your company into the classroom and collaborate with students enrolled in our MSc program. Benefit from fresh perspectives and interact with budding talent in data science trained at our institution.

Our MSc programs offer challenge-based courses where students tackle industry challenges using data engineering, analytics, and entrepreneurship principles. We invite your company to propose a concrete data challenge along with a relevant dataset for our students to analyze.

Get in touch with the Business team!

Get inspired and interact with groups of students

In the challenge-based courses, student teams of 4-5 members work closely for six months on a project provided by your organization. Throughout the program, there are multiple touchpoints where students engage with your company to discuss project progress and share insights. This collaborative approach benefits both students and your organization, fostering innovation and yielding tangible outcomes.


The partnership with JADS has led to two practical ideas

“For a company like Exsell, it’s crucial to be connected with universities because of the developments and everything happening there. It’s not just about the outcome; it’s about the ideas that emerge from these... Read more
Dennis van der Horst Exsell
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Collaborating with JADS has given us new ideas

Collaborating with JADS has given us new ideas to productize our services. IT nerds with social personality, that is our Datacation DNA; the combination of technical and business knowledge of the JADS students fits that perfectly! Read more
Ralf Zoetekouw Datacation
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We see this as a starting point for creating other models

“Our aim is always to make these kinds of ideas open source, so that multiple companies can contribute to – in this case – a greener city. We see this as a starting point for creating other models.” Read more
Sako Arts CTO and Co-Founder @ FruitPunch AI ?
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What we need from you

To participate in the challenge-based courses, your organization will need to provide one or more datasets that meet our specifications. Additionally, there is a financial contribution required from participating companies to support the program’s operations.

By joining forces with our educational program, you not only support student learning but also gain valuable insights and solutions to address real-world business challenges.


Some interesting examples

AI for Greener Cities Challenge

What could you do for sustainable cities if you drove a fleet of trucks with cameras through the city? That's how DPD Netherlands, Fruitpunch AI and JADS got to work on this open call for students.

Time Machine street register for the Municipality of Den Bosch

In this project, students created a street register for the Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. This register contains all current and historic information of the city center of ‘s Hertogenbosch at street level.

Improving Datacation's business model from a service-oriented perspective

Our Data-driven Service Innovation (DDSI) course challenged a class of motivated JADS students to assess and improve the current service offerings and business model of our industry partner, Datacation, using the knowledge they learned in class.

Exploring Exsell's data to build a recommender system

Exsell partnered with JADS in the Causal Inference course, presenting a real-world dataset challenge to students, to see what they did with it. The dataset was aimed at testing students' ability to build models and derive meaningful insights from the data
JADS business & data science

Why partner up with JADS

JADS provides innovative data science programs at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level, conducts cutting edge data science research and offers great business opportunities with a continually growing ecosystem. From startups to SMEs and large corporates, our business partners gain access to talent, high level knowledge and business opportunities.

Partner up with JADS like 300+ other organizations and businesses and shape your data-driven future

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Group 5
Group 6
Group 7