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JADS Community Event: How to get the most out of Generative AI

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Date 7 Nov 2023
Time 15:00 to 18:30
Location JADS Mariënburg

At JADS, we take our role as innovators and informers seriously. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one phenomenon has captured the world’s attention: Generative AI. With its profound ethical implications, dynamic applications, and transformative potential for businesses, Generative AI is a topic worth exploring together.

Following the success of our discussions on Open AI in the previous community event, JADS is excited to invite you to our upcoming community event where we’ll dive into the world of Generative AI with, as always, a focus on impact through the combination of academia and industry.

Join us as we explore the following questions:

  • How do businesses harness the full potential of Chat GPT?
  • Where can Chat GPT be your game-changer, and where should you tread cautiously?
  • Discover winning strategies for effectively leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) in your business.

Plus, don’t miss out on the great networking opportunities this event has to offer. Mark your calendars, because this is one event you won’t want to miss!


Tickets for this event can be bought for €25 via the button below. When buying a ticket, you can select which workshop you want to attend. The ticket gives you access to the main program and one of the workshops.

Buy your tickets here!



15.00 Doors open
15.30 Welcome by Jos van Hillegersberg – Academic Director JADS
15.40 Keynote –’s Journey with Generative AI by Arman van Lieshout –  Product Manager at CM
16.20 Inspiration Talk – JADS Alumnus en winner Tilaa Talent Award Stijn van Geene
16.30 Workshops
17.15 Networking drinks
18.30 End

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Keynote:’s Journey with Generative AI by Arman van Lieshout, Product Manager at CM

Learn about’s journey with generative AI, from concept to realization. Learn about the challenges businesses face when adopting these new capabilities, and what we’ve learned along the way.

Arman van Lieshout

Arman van Lieshout is Senior product manager at With a background as a software engineer Arman worked himself up from a junior position to a senior role in’s product organization. Now with the rise of generative AI Arman is focusing on creating a state-of-the-art offering and vision around AI within




Inspiration talk: Stijn van Geene

Stijn is Solo-Founder of Verhaaltjesland, a startup that combines the power of a good story with the imagination of a child. Verhaaltjesland uses AI to create personalized stories and visuals to form a physical children’s book. With this idea, Stijn won the Tilaa Talent Fund Award 2023. He graduated from the MSc Data Science & Entrepreneurship at JADS in 2022.



Using ChatGPT as your personalized movie and music recommender

Can chatGPT be used to help find movies or music you might like, and act as a recommender system, just like spotify and Netflix? In this workshop we will explore this, and also investigate how ChatGPT can produce personalized explanations why you might like a particular movie or song. As part of the workshop I will discuss our research on how effective such personalized explanations are compared to more generic explanations.

Martijn Willemsen is an associate professor at JADS and at TU/e who researches recommender systems and explainable AI. His research focuses on how to help people make better decisions with AI technology, and projects include data science in sport and vitality, sustainability and energy saving decisions, music genre exploration and explainable recommendations. At JADS he teaches a course on Interactive and Explainable AI design and on Decision Support Systems.

The ethical considerations of generative AI

We all love ChatGPT and Dall-E because these tools for generating text and images are easy to use and the results look pretty good. But on what data are these models actually trained? Do we care? And what happens with your input data? In this session we’ll touch upon risks and ethical considerations of generative AI, including privacy, responsibility, non-discrimination and transparency.

Meike Nauta is senior data scientist at Datacation. Meike is computer scientist and obtained her PhD on explainable AI and interpretable computer vision cum laude at the University of Twente. She developed novel AI models that can be understood and adapted by humans, leading to publications at top AI venues and media coverage. She is among the national top 5 Women in AI Young Professionals and has won the ZEISS Women in IT award in 2022.

Working with Large Language Models: Q&A Session

This session focuses on answering questions about using large language models like ChatGPT. You can ask about how to use the technology effectively, the challenges involved, and the risks. It's important to come prepared with your questions to make the most of this opportunity. The host, Emil, has experience working with startups and researching large language models.

Emil Rijcken is a fourth-year PhD student at JADS. His research focuses on natural language processing in mental health care. A part of his research focuses on the capabilities of large language models. Additionally, he has practical business experience working on a startup that leverages large language models.

Business Innovation with Generative AI

In today's era, AI can create music, design products, and even engage in conversation much like we do. So, what makes us truly unique as humans? Join our workshop to uncover the potential of Generative AI in transforming business practices and igniting innovations. Participate in engaging interactive activities, observe a live showcase that merges modern business tools with ChatGPT, and gain insights in the latest projects introduced by Datacation. We wrap up with an open dialogue, inviting you to share your imaginative thoughts.

Plato Leung is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS). His research combines insights from psychology with data science methods to understand the well-being and mental health of entrepreneurs. With a close affinity with technology, he is leading a new project to explore the potential of Generative AI in entrepreneurship

Job Oosterkamp is Data Science Consultant at Datacation. In his projects for Datacation, he ensures that the use of AI actually adds value to the business by not only focusing on the technology but also on the business needs and a user-friendly implementation.

Large Language Models and GenAI in action

Bart takes you through the possibilities of Large Language Models and (generative) AI, and how to apply them in a practical and reliable manner. He does this through a proven use case: AI-driven support for parliamentary processes within ministries. Bart explains how JoinSeven’s intelligent application assists policy makers in tasks such as answering parliamentary questions, writing new policies, and preparing for debates. Join the conversation on the steps you can take yourself towards implementing LLMs and/or generative AI.

Bart Geurts is the Co-Founder of JoinSeven and their business analytics lead. He believes in making algorithms practically applicable and making black-boxes more transparent. With JoinSeven he creates data driven solutions with impact for a variety of governmental organizations, such as ministries, and companies like care organizations. JoinSeven’s main fields of expertise are Natural Language Processing and the application of Large Language Models.

Want to dive deeper? Join our Bootcamp Generative AI!

Ready to explore Generative AI’s potential for your business even further? Our Professional Education team at JADS has developed a Bootcamp Generative AI for professionals. Our JADS teachers, students and professors will guide you through the latest developments and practical application in 6 sessions.

  • Uncover new business opportunities with Generative AI
  • Grasp the fundamentals and business implications of Generative AI
  • Speak the language of data scientists and engineers
  • Stay updated with the latest scientific insights
Read more and join our Bootcamp!
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7