JADS and Police Oost-Brabant work together on data-driven concepts and technology
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‘s-Hertogenbosch, February 13, 2020 – Ever since the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) was founded, JADS and Politie Oost-Brabant have been flirting with each other. The cooperation between these parties was officially confirmed on Thursday 13 February when a covenant was signed. In this covenant, agreements are laid down for a broad and long-term partnership. With this partnership, smarter work can be done on data-driven solutions and technology. The Politie Oost-Brabant has a great need for knowledge of digitization, such as artificial intelligence and big data, to make police operations smarter, more efficient and more meaningful. “Collaboration with JADS offers the police access to talent and partners in the JADS ecosystem, and to knowledge about data science. Data science can contribute to solving the major challenges in the field of crime and security,” says Wilbert Paulissen, police chief of the unit Oost-Brabant.
“For JADS, cooperation with the Oost-Brabant police is very interesting because it connects the academic world with the problems of our modern society in the field of combating crime and security,” says Peter de Kock, Professor of Practice Data Science Crime & Safety at JADS. “Lots of concrete examples of cooperation can take place under this covenant. Think, for example, of developing algorithms that extract value from police reports, but also of solving cold cases together,” said De Kock.
The covenant has a duration of 5 years, starting 1 July, 2019. It is the ambition of both parties to contribute actively to the domain of Data science in Crime and Safety.
Murder data
One of the concrete collaborations initiated between the Politie Oost-Brabant and JADS is the deployment of students in a Master Thesis Circle with the subject of “Murder Data”.
A Master Thesis Circle consists of three students from different specializations (Data engineering, data mining and data entrepreneurship) who carry out the research for their graduation thesis together. In the investigation, data from 100 murders (extracted from open sources) are investigated using data science techniques. The police then hope to further develop these techniques, to be able to use them on protected police data.
Both parties intend to further cooperate in the future, based on projects and events, such as the Den Bosch Data Week.