JADS Kicks Off Two Projects During TKI Dinalog Logistics Knowledge Event
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On November 30, 2023, the Logistic Knowledge conference organised by TKI Dinalog took place in Sound and Vision in The Hague. During this event 15 research consortia that started in 2022 or 2023 were put in the spotlight. Sandra van der Poll, Jos van Hillegersberg and Rogier Brussee were also present to represent JADS and kick off two collaborative projects: RESTRETCH and LOKET.
The Logistic Knowledge Conference
The logistics sector faces numerous challenges because of a pivot to more sustainability, pressure on infrastructure and increasing uncertainties. To understand and address these challenges needs ongoing knowledge development. Research is key for putting major trends like supply chain resilience, the shift to a circular economy, and the data-driven economy into the logistics context. Collaborating with businesses and the government, knowledge institutions are actively working to envision the future and find practical solutions.
TKI Dinalog (Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics) is leading a research program for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in the Sector Logistics. During 2022 and 2023, a total of 15 research consortia were launched. On November 30, 2023, the Logistics Knowledge Conference spotlighted these projects, showcasing their insights and contribution to policy areas within the Ministeries of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure and Water. During this day companies, researchers and government had the chance to meet and mingle. Among these projects were two projects in which JADS collaborates with partners.
The RESTRETCH (REverse STress Testing supply CHains) project is a collaboration between Wageningen University Research (WUR) and JADS, along with industry partners Nobian, Datacation, Hoogwegt Groep, VION, and Vos Logistics. The initiative aims to develop a reverse stress test framework to make supply chains more robust. It aims to systematically identifypotential vulnerabilities in supply chains and their causes. The focus is on recognizing critical scenarios capable of disrupting supply chain segments, enabling businesses to proactively assess and address potential risks. Wageningen University will develop models and does project management, while JADS concentrates on practical implementation and data collection at and with companies.
The second project that was presented in which JADS collaborates with Municipality of Utrecht and ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Province of Utrecht, TNO, UT, and HU is the LOKET project (“LOgistieke KETenregie voor binnenstedelijk bouwen” or “Logistic Chain Coordination for Urban Construction”). LOKET focuses on addressing the intricacies of urban construction logistics which is responsible for between 20% to 30% of urban logistic traffic. It has an emphasis on streamlining processes and enhancing operational efficiency. The project promises not only theoretical insights but also practical applications, laying the groundwork for standardized practices beneficial to the entire industry. One of the project goals is to closely monitor the logistics for the ongoing construction of the Innovation Quarter of den Bosch!
A platform for discussion and collaboration
Following the project presentations, the attendees had the chance to walk around, look at every project up close, discuss with representatives from industry and the ministry of Infrastructure and Water management, and discover the links with the work in other projects. As the formal sessions concluded, attendees networked over drinks and (excellent!) empanadas. When asked what our JADS representatives thought of the day Sandra van den Poll said:
“It was a very nice day! Very interesting to see what other consortia are doing and making initial connections for future research collaborations”
The TKI Dinalog Knowledge Conference provided a platform for discussions across various categories, including supply chain resilience, urban construction logistics, and collaborative standardization efforts. Rogier Brussee:
“A great opportunity to meet other researchers, find out links to other projects discuss with people from government and industry and last not least get to meet people from our project team in person!”
The event facilitated an exchange of ideas and insights, fostering collaboration between academia, industry leaders, and government representatives. Stay tuned for further updates on these impactful projects.