Martijn Willemsen researches ideal race for Olympic skaters
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Last week one of our very own teachers Martijn Willemsen, who is also affiliated with the TU/e, was hot news due to his research on lap times. With the Olympic fever starting to rise, his research was mentioned on different news platforms such as the tv-show ‘Tijd voor Max’ and ‘Omroep Brabant’.
In his research Martijn Willemsen maps out the ideal race for each individual based on 300,000 skating competitions. The psychologist and data scientist with a love for skating and artificial intelligence looks for patterns in the structure of lap times. In this way, he can map out the ideal race for each individual on the basis of more than 300,000 competitions. Willemsen is currently developing an app that skaters of all levels can use.
For more information about his research go to this webpage or read this article on the TU/e website