JADS proudly announces its first lustrum 2016-2021
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‘s-Hertogenbosch, 1 December 2021 – The coming months we proudly celebrate the 5 year anniversary of JADS, a unique cooperation between Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Tilburg University (TiU), the municipality of Den Bosch and the Province of North Brabant.
JADS, a truly novel initiative
On December 1 exactly five years ago, her Majesty Queen Maxima officially opened the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science by pushing the red button that started a spectacular open-air light show highlighting the Marienburg building, thus marking the sparkling future of this truly novel initiative. It had taken the founding fathers less than two years of preparation time to reach a 40 MEuro agreement for a period of ten years on a strategic joint undertaking in the promising field of data science. Under the skilled chairmanship of the then mayor of the city of Den Bosch, Ton Rombouts, experts and representatives of the municipality Den Bosch, the Province of North Brabant and the two local universities, the Technical University Eindhoven and Tilburg University, prepared and created the contents and governance of a unique collaboration that was aimed at the academic education and training of junior and senior talent in the scarce labor field of data science.
Living up to its promise
At the time of its launch, the JADS initiative was a unique innovation experiment that was strongly rooted in the vision that society would have a growing need for academically skilled professionals in the rapidly developing field of Data Science. Data and smart algorithms would proliferate throughout all dimensions of society and JADS would become a strong and recognized player in the education of the human capital that was going to drive this digital transformation. This visions still holds true and since its early beginning JADS has been living up to its promise to deliver volumes of such highly educated professionals. During its five years of existence JADS has become a well-established and recognized player in this ever growing field of societal and industrial innovation.
Just as importantly, JADS is playing a key role in facilitating the new forms of entrepreneurship that come with this digital transition. Everything at JADS revolves around the relationship between business and technology, between data science and entrepreneurship. In the last 5 years, JADS has forged partnerships with hundreds of businesses, governments and organization, has helped SMEs with data related issues and has nurtured 25+ startups in the JADS Playground.
Watch what JADS is all about
[text continues below video]Lustrum half year and festivities
It goes without saying that we would have preferred to celebrate our first lustrum anniversary with all of our stakeholders in person during at a number of well-chosen occasions and events. But also here the Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to find other ways to involve you in our celebration. Today, we mark the start of a lustrum half year at JADS swith the launch of our lustrum website that features JADS highlights of the first lustrum period and announce events that will be organized during the coming six months. In June 2022 we hope to present a number of festivities that enable us to meet you all in person to exchange and share all of the sparkling reminiscences that we collected at JADS during its first five years of existence.
The JADS Management Team