The important role of Data Science in our current time

Setting up your data collection properly

Coach Hero wanted to set up their data collection so that they could easily understand the effectiveness of their coaching services. On an individual level: how much effect is the coach's work having on the client's problem? But also at an aggregated level: how well do all coaches together remedy clients' problems?

Finding groups in your data

Splitser has a huge amount of user data and wanted to extract more insights from it. For example, they wanted to map what user types use their platform and what their needs are. The ultimate goal is to make the application more user-friendly and find opportunities for new revenue models.

Automating Breast cancer treatment planning

For her Master thesis Renée van Erp researched how the process of creating dose treatment plans for locally advanced left-sided breast cancer patients could be automated to be more efficient and less time consuming.

AI for Greener Cities Challenge

What could you do for sustainable cities if you drove a fleet of trucks with cameras through the city? That's how DPD Netherlands, Fruitpunch AI and JADS got to work on this open call for students.

Improving logistics at PostNL

One of PostNL's most important services is to transport parcels ordered at webshops (PostNL customers) to consumers. This service is provided at an enormous speed and accuracy and at incredibly high volumes. As a consequence, highly efficient business processes are required to maintain this service in a cost effective way. This is a Level 2 graduation case from the JADS Professional Education program.

Combating Subversive crime in the port of Rotterdam

Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and Security, JADS researchers conducted research into the central question: can technology play a role in reducing the vulnerability of ports to undermining activities? And if so, how?

Sell less, make more money - Level 2 graduation case

Aldipress has been the market leader in distribution and marketing of magazines, comics, novels and puzzles in the Netherlands for over 50 years. This is a Level 2 graduation case from the JADS Professional Education program.
Smart Pork Chain sensor

Helping to smarten up the pork production chain

Zinabu Melese is an Ethiopian EngD student at JADS who for his doctorate research explored a wealth of data from Hendrix Genetics and the Vion Food Group in order to lay the foundations for further data integration in the production chain. The next step will be to couple data from sensors hanging in pig farms to slaughterhouse data.

PowerBI Dashboard for AcademicTransfer to monitor vacancies

For AcademicTransfer, MKB Datalab created a PowerBI dashboard, which is linked to Google Analytics and vacancy data. This way AcademicTransfer can easily and clearly compare and share vacancies with members.

Timetable Optimization Leads to Time Savings and Higher Employee Satisfaction

The employees of ambulance service RAVU have many different employment contracts and schedule preferences, which leads to a considerable schedule puzzle. To save planners time, MKB Datalab has developed a schedule optimization tool.

MKB Datalab helps Welvaarts Weegsystemen to save transport costs

MKB Datalab helped to optimize the waste disposal process by creating a model that predicts how full an underground container is. Thanks to this insight, Welvaarts Weegsystemen can help waste services dynamically change their route and empty containers more efficiently.

Limiting unforeseen project costs with an Early Warning System

Merford is a specialist in noise control. The prices and duration of their projects vary widely, which makes it difficult to predict the profit margin of projects. Thanks to the Early Warning System MKB Datalab developed, Merford can minimize unforeseen project costs.
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7